Tuesday, March 23, 2010

In November of 2009 I had a routine mammogram . The facility I always went to upgraded their machines to new digital mammography scanners and the technician told me that these could pick up more images so don't be surprised if they call you back for a second visit. "We see more so we have to explore more with these new digital machines".

So I wasn't surprised or concerned when I was told to come back for another mammogram which I dutifully went to the following week. What shocked me was the letter I opened a week letter letting me know that they had found "abnormalities" in my mammogram and I was to contact my gynecologist as soon as possible. What a wonderful way to find out! I called my doctor and received a message back telling me to contact Dr. "G", a Breast Surgeon, to schedule a biopsy.

Dr. "G" was short and curt explaining that 80% of the time "calcification's" found in breast tissue turned out to be nothing and not to be concerned. I scheduled the biopsy at Chilton Hospital with Dr. "W" in mid Dec. Unfortunately I turned out to be in the 20% category . They found that the clarifications were malignant and there was another spot that needed to be biopsied again since they couldn't get enough tissue.

So on the Day of Christmas Eve I was told I had Breast Cancer! Wow! How could that be?
We have no cancer of any sort in my entire family. Diabetes and Heart Disease. That's what we have. We don't do cancer, that's for other families.

So here I am 3 months later facing this dragon.


  1. You make me realize that it is time to have my mammogram - 6 months overdue. We must be more vigilant about our checkups. I can not believe you received this kind of news via a letter and a voice mail. Thank God you don't conduct your business that way! I'll here to face this road with you!

  2. Orly, you are an amazing woman! There is no doubt that you'll slay this dragon. Stay strong and fight, and when you need some help or a shoulder, you know you'll have us there to support you!

  3. I would say but the energy in this blog you are "slaying this dragon" rather than just facing it Orly :))

  4. What a wonderful way to help us all understand what it's like to face this Orly. Whenever someone faces a challenge like this they feel alone, and are searching for information, validation, guidance and support. Thank you for choosing to share this experience with us so that we can all learn from you. You could have stayed private with this info, but instead you are facing it just as you face all opportunities in life: head held high, heart and hands open. Hugs to you dear friend. Debbie

  5. To my FRIEND and collegue: ONLY ORLY could turn something so "scarey" into something so positive for other people. As always, you never run from a challenge but always face it head on. This is what I admire most about you. Thank you for sharing.

    Love Lynn Horbatuck

  6. Stay Strong, so many of my friends have had a wonderful recovery from that nasty breast cancer & feel great today. With your great attitude & faith you will be better soon. Judie & The Crockett Team
